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Partner in Education: 

West Point Elementary

West Point Presbyterian Church is a proud Partner in Education with West Point Elementary School!  The school has aproximately 64 staff members and 500 students, and provides us a wonderful avenue for ministry in our greater community.


The goal of this partnership is to afford the members of WPPC the opportunity to reach out in the name of Christ as we assist local teachers, staff and students in various ways... including service/mission projects, special offerings, tutoring and volunteering.


Since we began this partership... we've provided various service projects... including "Cake for Teachers!" - backpacks and school supplies, bottles of hand sanitizer, and we've also established a fund to assist educators/administrators with emergency needs. Several members of our church have served as tutors for children with academic challenges... and every year, we collect and deliver elastic waist-band pants (sweat pants) for K4 & K5 students who may need a change of clothes during the school day.  Of course, twice during the school year (at Christmas, and during Teacher Appreciation Week) we host and provide a catered lunch for the teachers and staff... In fact, each month, WPPC participates in providing some form of assistance to WPE! 


If you'd like to get involved, contact the church office, or talk with our Partner in Education Director, LaChelle Jones this Sunday.

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