The Heavens Declare!
Romans 1:18-25
Psalm 19:1-14
Psalm 19 is a beautiful song of praise, a “call to worship” written by David, that exalts two ways God makes Himself known to us: through His creation (often called “Natural” or “General Revelation”) and through His Word (part of “Special Revelation”).
But… as we look at this Psalm, we see that God revealed in His creation, and God revealed in the Word (the Law), ultimately points us towards our need for God revealed in the flesh: Jesus.
As we just read, the Psalm begins, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19:1)
Nature itself… God’s creation… gives testimony to the existence and majesty of God. Day and night, 24-hours a day… creation “pours forth speech” regarding the glory and sovereignty of God.
Of course, in reality, nature doesn’t speak. No words are used; no specific language is expressed. Yet, creation’s powerful and unending testimony is undeniable… and universal. Red, yellow, black, white… American, European, Asian, African… it matters not. God naturally reveals his power and glory in the handiwork of His creation to everyone.
How many times have we looked up into a star filled sky… or watched a sunrise, or a sunset… or stood in awe at a mountain range, or the vastness of the ocean, and marveled at the Glory of God in the process?
Of course, the psalmist, David, speaks specifically of the heavens and the skies revealing knowledge about God’s greatness:
But in actuality, ALL of creation declares the glory of God…
Think about it…
• Creation reveals God’s power: The vastness of it all… the stars, the planets, the heavens are so expansive that our minds can’t comprehend it… yet God has numbered every single star… and holds each in its place. It all points to the creative and sustaining power of its Creator!
• Creation reveals God’s order: The precision of nature’s cycles reflects His wisdom… the rotation of the planets and the reliability of the stars, their permanence, reminds us of the secure faithfulness of God. He is more dependable and timely than the sun. His mercies are new every morning, just as the sun rises every morning, without fail, without delay.
• Creation reveals God’s beauty: From the sunrise to the constellations, we see the artistry and majesty of God with our very eyes.
Yet, while creation proclaims God’s glory, and offers evidence to God’s greatness… it cannot fully reveal His character nor His plan for salvation. Creation reminds us that there is a Creator, but it cannot bridge the gap between sinfulness of humanity and the holiness of God.
Paul echoes this in Romans 1:20, where he writes that creation leaves us without excuse. However, creation alone cannot save us—it leaves us longing for a more complete revelation of God. Jesus Christ is that revelation. As Colossians 1:15 says, “The Son is the image of the invisible God... for in HIM all things... have been created.”
When you look at creation, do you see evidence of God’s power and presence? But more importantly, does the testimony and evidence of creation cause you to yearn to know more & more about God? That knowledge, that yearning… is answered in Christ.
That brings us to the second way God reveals himself, per Psalm 19… verse 7…
“The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul.” (Psalm 19:7)
David moves from the revelation of God in creation to the revelation of God in His Word. The law (God’s written Word) is described as:
• Perfect: It revives our souls.
• Trustworthy: It gives wisdom.
• Right: It brings joy to the heart.
• Radiant: It gives light to our eyes.
The law of God reveals His holiness, His standards for righteousness, and His desire for our lives. However, the same law that shows us God’s Will, also exposes our inability to keep it.
Romans 8:3… “For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did, by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.”
The law cannot save us or redeem us. Its purpose is to show us our sin and reveal our need for a Savior. Paul tells us in Romans 3:20, “Through (thru) the law we become conscious of our sin.” Jesus fulfills the law by living the perfect life we could not live… and… paying the penalty for our failure to keep it.
The law is like a mirror that shows us the dirt on our faces, but it cannot clean us. Only Jesus can cleanse us from sin and make us righteous before God. It’s been said that we have a great need for a Savior, and a great Savior for our need!
David stresses our need for a Savior in verses 12-13… when he cries out:
“Who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins.” (Psalm 19:12-13)
David acknowledged his sin and prayed for God’s mercy. He recognized two kinds of sin:
• Hidden faults: Sins committed unknowingly.
• Willful sins: Sins knowingly committed.
David humbly asked God to cleanse him, protect him, and make him blameless.
All of which points us to the Gospel. We cannot cleanse ourselves of sin—hidden or willful. Only Jesus can forgive our sins and make us righteous before God.
John tells us in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
That’s good news… thank God for Jesus.
David ends with a prayer: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”
David’s prayer is one that only the Savior can answer. Christ is our Redeemer who makes us acceptable & pleasing to God.
Have you ever tried to clean a stain with water alone, only to see it grow worse? Our efforts to fix ourselves fail. But Jesus, like a perfect cleanser, washes us completely, removing even the deepest stains of sin.
Are you still trying to earn God’s favor by your own efforts? Have you trusted in Jesus as your Redeemer, the one who cleanses you and makes you spotless?
Psalm 19 is a call to worship, but it is also a call to recognize our need for a Savior. The heavens declare God’s glory, but they cannot bring us into a proper relationship with Him. The law reveals God’s holiness, but it cannot save us from our sin.
Only Jesus Christ—the Creator of the heavens and the fulfillment of the law—can bridge the gap between us and God.
Prayer: Lord, we thank You for revealing Yourself through creation and Your Word. But most of all, we thank You for revealing Yourself through Jesus Christ. Help us to see our need for Him, to trust in His work on the cross, and to live lives that glorify You. Amen.